UFB Wiki

The UFB (Unsafe Four Bit) Programming Language -- FAST | EASY | VERBOSE -- Built With Rust

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Not all languages can access your files!.. Right?

🚨 This part of the language may change in the future! #42

In other languages, accessing the filesystem takes too many keystrokes.

You're quite lucky that it will only take you one line to read / write / delete a file!

// These commands WILL crash the program if they are unsuccessful, somehow.

// Write the data in memory index 38 into ":PROGRAM_DIR:/foo.txt".
// Automatically create the file / subdirectories if they do not exist yet.
wfile 38 "foo.txt"

// Write the data in ":PROGRAM_DIR:/foo.txt" into memory index 38.
rfile 38 "foo.txt"

// Delete the file / directory ":PROGRAM_DIR:/foo.txt".
// This will delete the child directories if it is a directory, so be careful!
dfile "foo.txt"
🚨 This part of the language may change in the future! #42
